Welcome to the homepage of Yatsushiro Triathlon Club! I would like to share with you the courageous challengers who will be competing in the triathlon race for the first time, their splendor and a little secret. Listen with your heart! What a ne. Well, read it comfortably and it's high!
Please enjoy it!bayyy!(^^)
初めての大会って心配ですよネ!なんでも初めては初めて?だからね。だからこそ練習、経験が大事!でも、『さしよりトライアスロン』では「泳げたら、大丈夫!」って言ってたじゃあないの!?そおおなんです!泳げたら、って言うかスタートしたらネ!(^^)かく言うドンガメの私は泳ぎ出して数十メートル?進んだ?状態で「毎度?」後悔してました。「なんで、こぎゃんこつばしよっと貝!?(^^)」でも直ぐに「自分で決めた事!やるっきゃナイ!」瞬時に考え直して泳ぎ続けたもんです。(まー何回か途中でリタイヤしたことも有りますが*^)天草だったら750mのニ周回、アイアンマンなら片道1000mのニ周回かな。(^^)宮古島は3k mだけど、一周だから意外と遠いですよ。ま、ロングに出とくと耐性がつくネ。(^^)ま、そんなことは兎も角スイムの秘訣は「決心」そして、それを支える「練習」ですね。直前に大会と同じ距離は経験しておきましょう。そして、大事なのは「位置取り」貴方がダントツに水泳速かったら構わないけれど、あまり自信無かったら大外から、それも他の人々のスタートを見ながら泳ぎ出すことをお勧めします。スイム上がったらバイクやランで追い越したらヨカとですヨ!ま、スイム上がったらネ。(^^)速い人たちの中に入ったら所謂「バトル」に遭遇することも有ります。私なんぞは遅いので勿論後から出ますが周回遅れになると先頭集団に捲られる!という幸せに遭遇する!なんて事も。アル?あった?かなぁ?ロングの大会だったっけ?(^^)と言うことで、スイムは安全安定第一、をお薦めします。が、速い貴方や志の高い貴方は先頭と斗う勇気と気概を持って頑張ってネ!さしより、今日はこれで、しみゃ!
Extra edition, part 1, heart? (^^)
I'm worried about the first tournament! Is it the first time for anything? So I. That is why practice and experience are important! But in "Sashiyori Triathlon", you said "If you can swim, it's okay!" ?? That's right! If you can swim, or if you start, it's ne! (^^) I'm a dragon turtle who says this, I started swimming and tens of meters? Did you advance? I regretted "every time?" "Why Kogyan Kotsubashiyoto Kai !? (^^)" But immediately "I decided it myself! I'm gonna do it!" I instantly reconsidered and continued swimming. (Well, I've retired several times in the middle, but * ^) Amakusa has two laps of 750m, and Iron Man has two laps of 500m one way. (^^) Miyakojima is 3km, but it's surprisingly far because it's a round trip. Well, if you go out for a long time, you will get resistance. (^^) Well, the secret of a rabbit swim is "decision" and "practice" to support it. Experience the same distance as the tournament just before. And the important thing is "positioning" It doesn't matter if you swim fast, but if you're not so confident, it's a good idea to start swimming from the outside, watching the start of other people. If you swim up, you can overtake by bike or run. Well, if you swim up, it's ne. (^^) If you enter among fast people, you may encounter so-called "battle". I'm late, so of course I'll come out later, but if I'm late for the lap, I'll be in the lead group! Encounter happiness! No matter what. there were? I wonder? Was it a long tournament? By saying (^^), we recommend that you swim with safety and stability first. However, if you are fast or have high aspirations, do your best with the courage and spirit to take the lead! By the way, this is it for today!
Good luck&try it! To be continued,may be!(^^)
Extra edition 1 bonus (actual race of this year)
This year's Amakusa Triathlon Tournament has a wave start of 10 people each due to the epidemic. Does that mean that people who swim fast are okay? I think it is, but the slower one will swim with the tongue of a fast person who started later. (It's the same situation as me as usual) As a countermeasure, swim on the out side of the course as much as possible. It's a little detour, but it can't be helped. However, please note that people will gather at the turning point. I mean, please power up and decide ♪ Please do your best ♪Gooood luck! Beleave,You Can!
Extra edition 1 ・ Bonus bonus
I forgot something important! If you are always swimming in the pool, you can enjoy the happiness of being embraced by the sea. Well, as you can see from the test swim before the start, the waves and swells are quite high. I swim while breathing near the surface of the water, but since my eyes are on the surface of the water, I have to raise my head and look at the front to fail to take the course. Why don't you look around when a volunteer rescue brother calls you? ?? ?? It was supposed to be! What a ne. So please raise your head from time to time and swim while checking the course. Then please do your best ♪
Extra part 2, by the way, the morning of the race day has come!
Well, in Part 1, I suddenly swam, but this time it's the morning of the day. Well, I should wake up and go to the race reception early. You don't have to get up early. The older brother I met a long time ago was careful about having breakfast hours before the start time, but it was a 51.5km race! ?? (^^) That's why. If it's a long tournament, I mean, long starts at 7 o'clock, so I get up after 3 o'clock. If it's the Amakusa triathlon, it's just as usual. Well, if you are interested, take appropriate measures. It's important not to eat too much. Of course! Let's finish the toilet at the inn! So if you
encounter the happy morment at the venue! ?? For such a case, let's go to the venue in advance and check the toilet near the transit and the toilet on the sea side of the venue. For that reason, it would be nice to participate in a local practice session. (^^) The Yatsushiro Triathlon Club will hold a practice session for club members on the 15th, assuming an actual race. Please take this opportunity to join us ♪ For more information, please see "Q& Ato YTC,Join"♪
Extra edition of extra edition? by the way,····
Don't you think the local triathlon club is "Nani?"
At first (more than 30 years ago) I was a club! Playing with a sword! ?? This is what I thought. At that time, of course, there was no internet or smartphone, and there was only a monthly magazine (discontinued) called "Triathlon Japan" for information such as races, and the first tournament (Ibusuki Triathlon) went around alone. .. But now most of the information is available online, and you can watch it on YouTube as a video. However, live information, such as "how to get an inn" and "notes on the race course", is actually useful "real" information, which is still human. I don't recommend it if it's ugly, but if you like it, please take a look at the club's homepage. The activity scene is a video! Look at YouTube! Thank you for subscribing to the channel.
番外編その3 水から上がれば大丈夫!
Extra edition 3: If you go up from the water, you'll be fine!
Well, if you manage to finish the swim and go up to land, you don't have to worry about drowning! It's an easy win! ( ^^) That said, it's far from the last turnaround to the land! Am I the only one who feels farther than the first lap? Also, I forgot to tell you, but even if the land approaches in the swim, don't stand up with peace of mind! The depth of the water is surprisingly deep! If your swimming fingertips touch the bottom of the sea, you can stand up! If you stand before that, you'll drown and drink water, so be careful! So, when your fingertips touch the sand on the bottom of the sea and stand up! Gravity is a lot, so be careful with this too! Because the buoyancy in the water disappears and the body that was in landscape orientation becomes vertical. Be careful not to moss, first go to the shower, rinse your eyes, mouth, and body, and move to the transition area where your beloved Bicycle is waiting. Here, the results of the transition you have prepared will be asked. Well, what is the Transition!?
Extra Part 3, Part
番外編その3の前編 トランジション
Extra Part 3, Part 1 Transition
Transition, well, if you translate it literally, it's transition, transfer, right? " It's a plan to move on to the next game. This is bad and I'm wasting the time I've earned. Think about it (image it!) Please be prepared to move quickly to the next competition. The actual situation is on the club's YouTube.
Please take a look at what Y'sRoad's older brother explains and the corresponding item of "Triathlon from Sashi" ♪ Well, it's best to actually try it before the race yourself. According to the race rules, how do you wear a helmet or shoes first? Or do you wear socks? I don't wear it! Or something like that. For me, I don't wear socks including orchids in short lace (but it's still late!) Instead, apply petrolatum (it's easy to use with a tube) in the shoes! Or something. Hey!
Extra edition Part 3 bonus, I forgot!
sorry! I forgot the important thing. In the swim, I told you that it is important to head up and check the direction of travel to check the course, but if you do head up, is it the nape of the neck and the collar of the wet suit? Is rubbed, and the salt content of the seawater is also helped by the bonus, and the skin is rubbed and hurt like shingles! There is something like that. Guidebook? When I see something, I apply Vaseline. It says, but it will fall while you are swimming. The best thing for me is to stick a strong adhesive bandage (Nikko Ban) for water work or a taping tape like Kinesio tape that is used by manipulative people around the area where it is likely to be rubbed. If there's Nothing, like cloth gum tape. Of course, please be careful when peeling it off. That was the additional "Needless Care!"